Thursday, December 11, 2008

Have Yourself a Simple Little Christmas

This spurred from my previous post about the origins and WHYs of Christmas.

We should all try to simplify our Christmas this year to focus on the real meaning. The current state of the economy, may aid your willingness to do so this year, but that's okay.
I vividly remember sitting in an old computer chair at our desk in our rent house several years ago, just balling. Bleary-eyed, I stared at my checking and savings account balances on our computer screen, as my tears slid down my face and danced on my Christmas list of things I wanted to buy for everyone. I couldn't do it. Not even with what I had in savings. There was no way I could afford our bills, and all of Christmas. I was devastated.
A wise man, not a magi from the east, but a very wise man walked into the room. I turned my head and to the side, so as to hide my tears from him.

Wise man: What are doing?
Cryer: Nothing (sniffling).
Wise man: What? Are you crying? What's wrong with you?
Cryer: (I burst into tears as I responded). I'm balancing my account and looking at my savings, and I can't afford Christmas! Hardly anything.
Wise man: What?!?! (I'm smiling for those of you who know this wise man, b/c you'll be able to hear his tone in this). Are you serious? You're seriously crying because you can't buy people a bunch of presents?
Cryer: Yes! You don't understand!!! I LIKE doing this. I LIKE buying things for people. It's what I do. It's not about spending money, it's about buying them a gift that they'll really like.
Wise man: Ashley, that is not what Christmas is about. And it's really sad that you're this upset over it.

Well, for those who know me, you know that at that very moment, those wise words didn't quite penetrate. But he was right. I always spent a lot of time thinking about what I would get each person on my list, and we have a big family. I wanted to get something they had mentioned, or something I knew they would really like and that I had put a lot of thought into. To me, that's what, it's the thought that counts, meant. And a lot of times, I would struggle and struggle with what to get them. It never occurred to me, that maybe that meant they didn't really NEED anything.

Well, I haven't changed in the respect that I still LOVE to give to people. It's so much fun! You think of a gift they will love, or find something perfect! And then there's the anticipation of it sitting, all pretty and wrapped, under the tree until time to open gifts. And they open it, and it's so wonderful, and you're so thoughtful and everyone is happy. BUT. With all of that thinking, fretting, shopping, spending, rushing, worrying, thinking,'s easy to lose sight of what we should be focusing on.

The real meaning of Christmas. The birth of Jesus; spending time with family; and yes, giving, but it can be much more simplified, and much more meaningful.

Here are some ways to simplify the giving, so you can focus on the meaning.
  • Adopt-a-family for Christmas - We're making this a new family tradition, between all of our local families. Buckner Family Services in Longview, can help you adopt-a-family in need. Visit for details.
  • Adopt an Angle Tree child
  • Give these gifts in someone's name or honor, as your gift to them as well.
  • Make a gift - I was never fond of this idea. But that's because my thoughts were so limited (they still are). Unless it's something in the electronics department, most gifts can be made.

Ideas of Gifts to Make

  • a blanket - sounds hard, right? I thought so too, until a good friend made me one for Christmas. It is now my favorite and warmest blanket! Buy two pieces of fleece from a fabric store or Wal-Mart. Cut inch wide slits all around the edges of both pieces and tie them together.
  • Personalize pottery; paint an inexpensive bowl, cookie jar, any glass or plastic container. The possibilities are endless.
  • A recipe book
  • Plant a tree in someone's name
  • Frozen food (my new favorite idea) - if you know someone's favorite, make it for them and freeze it for them. Or of course sweet treats!
  • There are tons of ideas on the world wide web.

Also, in having a simple Christmas, think back to your favorite memories of Christmas. They most likely will not revolve around material things, but a simple tradition. Find ways to to create similar rituals and moments like those.

You don't have to sacrifice your favorite traditions or things to do. Simply scale them down; increase the meaning of your time. I truly hope you'll have yourself a merry, warm, and simple little Christmas.

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