Wednesday, December 31, 2008



Walks you through a memory as if you were there. Even more sureal than a dream. Scents included.

Brings back every memory of a moment. The details. The leather seats of a car, the smell of the cloth hood, what was in the plastic caddy on the floor between the seats, the tape in the tape deck, the words being sung...the memory.

How can music make me remember every vidid, blessed detail, about everything?

Other things I may forget, or they may fade, but if music is involved it's vividly sketched onto and into my heart and mind and soul, and forever.

Why is that? (This is retorical, don't want an answer, b/c I love it the way it is).

It can bring tears; the warmth of an everlasting fire; a car ride; a personality; a loved one lost; it can make you hold the hand of someone without them actually being there; it can bring cold, cold shivers; it can bring tears of guilt, tears of joy, tears of saddness; it can be your best friend when no one is around; God can speak through music.

Music is a love.

Each song a new espisode, if you're on shuffle; a new friend brought to mind, a brother and his whereabouts laid upon you; someone you need to visit; someone you need to share with; someone you need to be honest with; someone you need to laugh with; someone who needs to laugh with you; someone who needs to get to know you again and vice versa. Don't we always need to get-to-know each other again and often?

I do.

Love your music. Play your music. Get new music often.


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