Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Narrow Place Experience

Yesterday afternoon two friends and I headed to Ft. Worth to hear a friend IN CONCERT!  I was pretty dang excited.  We were going to get to hear her sing her own songs in a concert setting!  As the ride ensued, and converstions began to flow (for 3 hours), the Lord began a work that would change us all and mold each of us.

Still trying to proccess all that He revealed and healed, and put that into words, but I hope to share that soon.

As for the artist - Lauren Chandler - the best I can describe it is this:  God's gift to her, could fill the Grand Canyon, just a source of love, peace, joy, heartache, healing, a river of Him flowing through her and filling the space around you.  The words He gives her to tell her story and share her heart, and sing her relationship with Him, are full of life; drenched in the Spirit.

And a little bit of girl punk, foot-stompin, declaring His love NEVER fails, never gives up, never runs out on me.  It was invigorating, passion-stirring.

Describing the narrow place we are in - between Jesus saving us and returning home with Him; the struggle, the pain; the goodness; the glory; we wait patiently and full of hope.

The intricate details of the entire night's events; the very words He spoke to us through Lauren; the way we all got there that night, on that day; the events and experiences leading up to it; the stories that were shared; the testimonies given; it was a masterpiece of our CREATOR.  He brought it all together and for it to be so personal was overwhelming to say the least.  I'm in awe.  And I'm excited, b/c it doesn't stop with last night.  There is more to come.  More of His plan, and paths we may have never dreamed of exisiting, were just revealed.

I love you Jesus!  Thank you for loving us enough to do something like THAT!  You rock!  And so does your girl LC!

If you have not blest yourself with The Narrow Place album, hop over to iTunes or Amazon and download Lauren's Chandlers heart shared through song on The Narrow Place.

Peace and Love.

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